Episode 8 Pitoco de Airá
An outstanding percussionist and one of the newest leaders in one of the oldest Maracatu nations from Recife, Pernambuco, Pitoco de Airá, is assistant to Mestre Walter of Maracatu Nação Estrela Brilhante do Recife. Pitoco was raised in the heart of the maracatu community in the Alto José do Pinho neighborhood of Recife and is one of the rising stars within Estrela Brilhante, one of the most creative and talented maracatu nations in Brazil. He is fluent in the plethora of Afro-Brazilian rhythms originating in northeastern Brazil and has toured and taught throughout Brazil, South America, Europe and the USA.
Estrela Brilhante Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/estrelabrilhantedorecife
Estrela Brilhante Video https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=Estrela%20Brilhante
Pitoco de Aira, Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2Bir4EUKlcr32Kjtq2egzA
Pitoco's group: Grupo Awà Dê Onilê Marê
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