Episode 54 Pitoco De Aira
Maracatu Caixas
Pitoco De Aira is an acclaimed percussionist from Recife, Pernambuco, born in the neighbourhood Alto José do Pinho. He started playing at the age of four in the Afoxé Yle de Egbá and Maracatu Nação Estrela Brilhante do Recife, both institutions that he keeps linked to the present day through his 25 year + career. Pitoco has established himself as one of the leaders in this institution, and this year, with a new director, Maracatu Nação Estrela Brilhante Do Recife won Recife’s 2019 carnaval. Pitoco has traveled extensively sharing the rhythms of Pernambuco giving workshops throughout Brazil, the US, Europe and Canada.
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