Episode 9 Mestre Jonas
Mestre Jonas, Percussionist and Bateria Director.
Mestre Jonas is one of the most charismatic personalities in Brazil Carnival. Son of Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel samba school president, Orozimbo de Oliveira. His mother was the first Destaque of Mocidade. Jonas grew up playing the samba from a very young age in Mocidade's bateria, conducted by samba legend Mestre Andre.
In more than 30 years of samba experience, Mestre Jonas has conducted many baterias (samba school drum section) in Rio de Janeiro, including Mocidade, Salgueiro and Cubango to name a few. He is currently the director of the bateria for Unidos Da Costa Verde. He has also been very engaged in taking samba culture abroad, presenting and teaching workshops in Europe every year, where he has worked with many samba schools and groups. And this year, lucky for us, he finally was able to travel to the U.S. as a faculty member of California Brazil Camp.