Epi 104 Michel Silva Barros
Bio: Michel Silva Barros
He started in the samba world as a kid going with his father to samba schools in Nova Iguaçu, his home city on the outskirts of Rio.
His debuted in samba schools was in 2001, parading for the Leão de Nova Iguaçu, in the grupo acesso À, at the age of 7 and remained there until 2005, when he left to, to be part of Beija Flor de Nilópolis and to fulfill his childhood dream to participate in television broadcast carnaval show, this is how I started:
In beija flor he joined the bateria mirim in 2005
In 2006 he joined the adult bateria.
2007 was his first parade with Grupo Especial in carnival with Beija Flor, where he is still today.
He started on tambourine, then switched to caixa, right in that first parade and stayed on caixa until 2010, when he was promoted to repique Guia da batera, the one who makes the calls for paradinhas.
In 2013 he switched back to tambourine, but this time as the director of tamborins, a role I still hold today.
He says: During this time with Beija Flor, samba and our samba school have provided me with incredible opportunities and moments to meet incredible people and places that until a moment in my life I thought were unreachable, but culture took us there.
He has had the opportunity to visit countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and more than half of the Brazilian states through samba. It is very honored and happy to be part of this great work.
Courtney Danley and Michel Silva at Beija Flor quadra.