Epi 97 Jhones Thuram, Director & Repique de Bossa

Epi 97 Jhones Thuram, Director & Repique de Bossa

Jhones Thuram4.jpeg

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Jhones is working as a bateria director for 3 of Rio’s samba schools; Imperatriz, Rocinha & Império da Tijuca, but he has previously directed at Viradouro and Cubango as well. 

He started his trajectory at carnival in 2004, playing repique for Acadêmicos da Rocinha. By the year 2011 he had progressed with his playing, and was given the opportunity to become Rocinha’s drum director. As well as Rocinha, Jhones has paraded as a ritmista in many other schools such as Portela, Salgueiro & São Clemente amongst others.

Jhones first paraded with Imperatriz in 2016, at the invitation of Mestre Lolo. That year he was making all the calls and solos for the school, as repique de bossa. In 2017, Mestre Lolo gave him the opportunity to become Director of the bateria, a position which he holds until today.

As well as his work within the samba schools, he has been Mestre of the university bateria at PUC Rio since 2011. Here he is also responsible for the bloco “Filhos da PUC”.

Jhones Thuram

Jhones Thuram

Jhones Thuram

Jhones Thuram

Jhones Thuram

Jhones Thuram

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Mestra Thais
Mestre Junior
China do Estácio
Lucas Eduardo
Rob Arcari

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Epi 98 Andrew Hartzell, Samba Savannah

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