Episode 16 Rio Remote with Jeremy Parker and Macapa of Macapart Straps!

Episode 16 Rio Remote with Jeremy Parker and Macapa of Macapart Straps!

Jeremy Parker is a full time dad and Registered Nurse with a part time raging music addiction! He fell in love with his Brazilian wife and visited her homeland for the first time in 2004. He gravitated quickly toward Capoeira and found another new love in playing the instruments and Afro-Brazilian rhythms that he learned in the streets and rodas of Rio de Janeiro. He has been singing and playing music ever since including blues, rock, and funk. But, his primary focus is on Brazilian music like samba, pagode, choro, and maracatu. He has been a member of the San Francisco Bay Area's only performing Maracatu group, Maracatu Pacífico, for three years and is currently studying and playing with one of Rio's finest maracatu groups Tambores de Olokun.

Tambores de Olokun video, the trippy one:

Jeremy playing with Tambores de Olokun:

Alexandre Garnizé's band: 

Push and Pull or Up and Down method for playing the gongue: 

Want to buy Macapart straps? Try Kalango: 

Want to make a big group order to the U.S. from Kalango.com? Keep everyone's order, money, shipping straight with Dev Nambi's handy spreadsheet! It even regularly updates the U.S. dollar to the Euro!

Vitor Goncalves latest CD:

Sponsored by GoSamba.net!

Sponsored by GoSamba.net

Your source of caixas, chocalhos, repiniques, surdos, straps, tamborims, tamborim sticks all imported from Brazil!


Episode 17 Carl Dixon

Episode 17 Carl Dixon

Episode 15 Marcus Santos

Episode 15 Marcus Santos