Special Episode with Dennis Broughton and Rich Rice of California Brazil Camp

Special Episode with Dennis Broughton and Rich Rice of California Brazil Camp

Photo courtesy of Eric M. Crawford. See all his Brazil Camp photos, and more on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/emcrawford/

Photo courtesy of Eric M. Crawford. See all his Brazil Camp photos, and more on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/emcrawford/

This podcast is brought to you by coffee and sugar! If you would like to support the show please contact us at TheBrazilianBeat@gmail.com

Sponsored by GoSamba.net!

Sponsored by GoSamba.net

Your source of caixas, chocalhos, repiniques, surdos, straps, tamborims, tamborim sticks all imported from Brazil!

Episode 3 Pauline Serrano

Episode 3 Pauline Serrano

Episode 2 Jacaré and Imani Aanu

Episode 2 Jacaré and Imani Aanu